Russie.NEI.Visions In English - Visions In Education

Russie.NEI.Visions in English  - visions in education

Russie.NEI.Visions (RNV [1])is an online collection of policy papers each in French, English and Russian produced by the Russia/New Independent States Centre of the French Institute of International Relations (Institut français des relations internationales, Ifri), a think tank. The collection promotes the publication of policy oriented analyses of events in the post-Soviet space, authored by established experts and up-and-coming analysts.

Created in 2005 by Thomas Gomart, today the collection is directed by Tatiana Kastueva-Jean with Julien Nocetti (editor). Since its creation, a paper collecting the year's production has been published annually.

The collection offers regular analysis of events in the former Soviet states, peer-reviewed and translated into all three languages. The collection has been cited in academic works as well as in the media.

Russie.NEI.Visions in English  - visions in education
RNV Publications

  • No.98, February 2017, Central Asia: Facing Radical Islam, Erlan Karin
  • No.97, November 2016, Russia and Central and Eastern Europe: between Confrontation and Collusion, Pavel Baev
  • No.96, September 2016, Russia's Economic Modernization: The Causes of a Failure, Vladislav Inozemtsev
  • No.95, July 2016, The Far Right in the Conflict between Russia and Ukraine, Vyacheslav Likhachev
  • No.94, June 2016, Russia’s Asia Strategy: Bolstering the Eagle’s Eastern Wing, Dmitri Trenin
  • No.93, May 2016, Russia's Diplomacy in the Middle East: Back to Geopolitics, Alexander Shumilin
  • No.92, March 2016, The Illusion of Convergence: Russia, China, and the BRICS, Bobo Lo
  • No.91, January 2016, Russia’s Immigration Policy: New Challenges and Tools, Lyubov Bisson
  • No.90, December 2015, "Conservatism" in Russia: Political Tool or Historical Choice?, Leonid Polyakov
  • No.89, December 2015, Eurasia in Russian Foreign Policy: Interests, Opportunities and Constraints, Ivan Timofeev, Elena Alekseenkova
  • No.88, November 2015, Russia: Business and State, Igor Bunin, Alexey Makarkin
  • No.87, August 2015, Leaving to Come Back: Russian Senior Officials and the State-Owned Companies, Mikhail Korostikov
  • No.86, July 2015, Russia's New Energy Alliances: Mythology versus Reality, Vladimir Milov
  • No.85, June 2015, The Kurds: A Channel of Russian Influence in the Middle East?, Igor Delanoë
  • No.84, April 2015, Russia's Domestic Evolution, what Impact on its Foreign Policy, Tatiana Kastueva-Jean
  • No.83, March 2015, The Jewish Diaspora and the Russo-Ukrainian Crisis, Olena Bagno-Moldavsky
  • No.82, January 2015, Frontiers New and Old: Russia’s Policy in Central Asia, Bobo Lo
  • No.81, November 2014, Moldova's National Minorities: Why are they Euroskeptical?, Marcin Koscienkowski & William Schreiber
  • No.80, September 2014, Russia and Global Climate Governance, Nina Tynkkynen
  • No.79, August 2014, "Green Economy": Opportunities and Constraints for Russian Companies, Pyotr Kiryushin
  • No.78, June 2014, The Crisis in Ukraine: An Insider's View, Oleg Grytsaienko
  • No.77, May 2014, Russia's Academy of Sciences' Reform: Causes and Consequences for Russian Science, Irina Dezhina
  • No.76, April 2014, Russia: Youth and Politics, Mikhail Korostikov
  • No.75, March 2014, Rosneft, Gazprom and the Government: the Decision-Making Triangle on Russia's Energy Policy, Pavel Baev
  • No.74, February 2014, The EU, Russia and the Eastern Partnership: What Dynamics under the New German Government?, Dominik Tolksdorf
  • No.73, December 2013, The Influence of the State on Expanding Russian MNEs: Advantage or Handicap?, Andrei Panibratov
  • No.72, September 2013, Japan-Russia: Toward a Strategic Partnership?, Céline Pajon
  • No.71, May 2013, Afghanistan after 2014: The Way Forward for Russia, Ekaterina Stepanova
  • No.70, April 2013, Russia's Eastern Energy Policy: A Chinese Puzzle for Rosneft, Nina Poussenkova
  • No.69, March 2013, Russia-Turkey: A Relationship Shaped by Energy, Rémi Bourgeot
  • No.68, February 2013, Governors, Oligarchs, and Siloviki: Oil and Power in Russia, Ahmed Mehdi & Shamil Yenikeyeff
  • No.67, January 2013, Deja Vu with BMD: The Improbability of Russia-NATO Missile Defense, Richard Weitz
  • No.66, October 2012, The WTO and the Customs Union: What Consequences for the Russian Banking Sector?, Dmitri Miroshnichenko
  • No.65, August 2012, Russia's Arctic Policy and the Northern Fleet Modernization, Pavel Baev
  • No.64, February 2012, Decoding Russia's WTO Accession, Dominic Fean
  • No.63, December 2011, Russian Digital Dualism: Changing Society, Manipulative State, Alexey Sidorenko
  • No.62, September 2011, Italy, Russia's Voice in Europe?, Nadezhda Arbatova
  • No.61, July 2011, What the North Caucasus Means to Russia, Aleksey Malashenko
  • No.60, July 2011, The Caucasus: a Hotbed of Terrorism in Metamorphosis, Pavel Baev
  • No.59, April 2011, "Digital Kremlin": Power and the Internet in Russia, Julien Nocetti
  • No.58, March 2011, Doing Business in Russia: Informal Practices and Anti-Corruption Strategies, Alena Ledeneva & Stanislav Shekshina
  • No.57, February 2011, Developing Research in Russian Universities, Irina Dezhina
  • No.56, December 2010, Israel's Immigrant Parties: An Inefficient Russia Lobby, Olena Bagno & Zvi Magen
  • No.55, November 2010, Syria: Russia's Best Asset in the Middle East, Andrej Kreutz
  • No.54, August 2010, Russia's Far East Policy: Looking Beyond China, Stephen Blank
  • No.53, July 2010, Results of the 'Reset' in US-Russian Relations, R. Craig Nation
  • No.52, June 2010, From Moscow to Mecca: Russia's Saudi Arabian Diplomacy, Julien Nocetti
  • No.51, May 2010, Russia and Turkey: Rethinking Europe to Contest Outsider Status, Richard Sakwa
  • No.50, May 2010, Europe in Russian Foreign Policy: Important but no longer Pivotal, Thomas Gomart
  • No.49, April 2010, Russia's Greater Middle East Policy: Securing Economic Interests, Courting Islam, Mark N. Katz
  • No.48, March 2010, Internal and External Impact of Russia's Economic Crisis, Jeffrey Mankoff
  • No.47, February 2010, Russia, China and the United States: From Strategic Triangularism to the Postmodern Triangle, Bobo Lo
  • No.46, January 2010, Georgia, Obama, the Economic Crisis: Shifting Ground in Russia-EU Relations, Timofei Bordachev
  • No.45, December 2009, What Is China To Us ? Westernizers and Sinophiles in Russian Foreign Policy, Andrei Tsygankov
  • No.44, September 2009, Making Good Use of the EU in Georgia : « Eastern Partnership and Conflict Policy », Dominic Fean
  • No.43, August 2009, Russia and the “Eastern Partnership” after the War in Georgia, Jean-Philippe Tardieu
  • No.42, July 2009, “Cool Neighbors” : Sweden’s EU Presidency and Russia, Eva Hagström Frisell, Ingmar Oldberg
  • No.41, June 2009, The Challenges of Russia’s Demographic Crisis, Anatoly Vichnevsky
  • No.40, May 2009, NATO and Russia : Post-Georgia Threat Perceptions, Aurel Braun
  • No.39, April 2009, Obama and Russia : Facing the Heritage of the Bush Years, Thomas Gomart
  • No.38, April 2009, Russia in Latin America : Geopolitical Games in the US’s Neighborhood, Stephen Blank
  • No.37, March 2009, Russia’s Armed Forces : The Power of Illusion, Roger McDermott
  • No.36, January 2009, China as an Emerging Donor in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, Nargis Kassenova
  • No.35, December 2008, Islamist Terrorism in Greater Central Asia : The “Al-Qaedaization” of Uzbek Jihadism, Didier Chaudet
  • No.34, September 2008, Russian Chinese Relations through the Lens of the SCO, Stephen Aris
  • No.33, August 2008, Academic Cooperation between Russia and the US. Moving Beyond Technical Aid ?, Andrey Kortunov
  • No.32, July 2008, Injecting More Differentiation in European Neighbourhood Policy : What Consequences for Ukraine ?, Kerry Longhurst
  • No.31, June 2008, Caspian Pipeline Consortium, Bellwether of Russia’s Investment Climate ?, Adrian Dellecker
  • No.30, April 2008, The Impact of "New Public Management" on Russian Higher Education, Carole Sigman
  • No.29, April 2008, Higher Education in Russia: How to Overcome the Soviet Heritage ?, Boris Saltykov
  • No.28, April 2008, Higher Education, the Key to Russia's Competitiveness, Tatiana Kastueva-Jean
  • No.27, February 2008, Armenia, a Russian Outpost in the Caucasus ?, Gaïdz Minassian
  • No.26, February 2008, EU Gas Liberalization as a Driver of Gazprom's Strategies ?, Catherine Locatelli
  • No.25, December 2007, High Stakes in the High North. Russian-Norwegian Relations and their Implication for the EU, Jakub M. Godzimirski
  • No.24, November 2007, Russia and the "Gas-OPEC". Real or Perceived Threat?, Dominique Finon
  • No.23, October 2007, Paris and the EU-Russia Dialogue: A New Impulse with Nicolas Sarkozy ?, Thomas Gomart
  • No.22, September 2007, Rosoboronexport, Spearhead of the Russian Arms Industry, Louis-Marie Clouet
  • No.21, July 2007, Russia and the Deadlock over Kosovo, Oksana Antonenko
  • No.20, June 2007, Russie-EU beyond 2007. Russian Domestic Debates, Nadezhda Arbatova
  • No.19, May 2007, The Opacity of Russian-Ukrainian Energy Relations, Arnaud Dubien
  • No.18, March 2007, Gazprom as a Predictable Partner. Another Reading of the Russian-Ukrainian and Russian-Belarusian Energy Crises, Jérôme Guillet
  • No.17, March 2007, Gazprom, the Fastest Way to Energy Suicide, Christophe-Alexandre Paillard
  • No.16, February 2007, Russia and the WTO: On the Finishing Stretch, Julien Vercueil
  • No.15, January 2007, Russia and the Council of Europe: Ten Years Wasted ?, Jean-Pierre Massias
  • No.14, September 2006, The "Greatness and Misery" of Higher Education in Russia, Tatiana Kastueva-Jean
  • No.13, September 2006, The EU-Russia Energy Dialogue: Competition Versus Monopolies, Vladimir Milov
  • No.12, July 2006, The Shanghai Cooperation Organization as "Geopolitical Bluff?" A View from Astana, Murat Laumulin
  • No.11, June 2006, Abkhazia and South Ossetia: Collision of Georgian and Russian Interests, Tracey German
  • No.10, May 2006, Special Issue : Workshop on EU-Russia relations

"Russia, NATO and the EU: A European Security Triangle or Shades of a New Entente ?", Andrew Monaghan

"The EU and Russia: the Needed Balance Between Geopolitics and Regionalism", Thomas Gomart

"Representing Private Interests to Increase Trust in Russia-EU Relations", Timofei Bordachev

"Multiplying Sources as the Best Strategy for EU-Russia Energy Relations", Michael Thumann

  • No.9, March 2006, Ukraine's Scissors: between Internal Weakness and External Dependence, James Sherr
  • No.8, January 2006, Russia and Turkey in the Caucasus: Moving Together to Preserve the Status Quo ?, Fiona Hill and Omer Taspinar
  • No.7, October 2005, UE Crisis: What Opportunities for Russia ?, Timofei Bordachev
  • No.6 (a), September 2005 "Russia and Germany: Continuity and Changes", Andrei Zagorski
  • No.6(b), September 2005, "Germany's Policy on Russia: End of the Honeymoon?", Hannes Adomeit
  • No.5, August 2005, From Plans to Substance: EU-Russia Relations During the British Presidency, Andrew Monaghan
  • No.4, June 2005, Russian Scientists: Where Are they? Where Are They Going? Human Resources and Research Policy in Russia, Irina Dezhina
  • No.3, May 2005, Re-Writing Russia's Subsoil Law: from Sovereignty to Civil Law ?, William Tompson
  • No.2, April 2005, Shared Neighbourhood or New Frontline ? The Crossroads in Moldova, Dov Lynch
  • No.1, April 2005, A Fine Balance - The Strange Case of Sino-Russian Relations, Bobo Lo

Russie.NEI.Visions in English  - visions in education

Launched in September 2009, Russie.Nei.Reports is an electronic collection providing extensive analysis based on fieldwork. Papers are published either in French or in English.

  • No. 21, October 2015 : There Will Be Gas: Gazprom's Transport Strategy in Europe, Aurélie Bros
  • No. 20, September 2015 : Guerre de l'information : le web russe dans le conflit en Ukraine, Julien Nocetti
  • No. 19, May 2015 : Ukraine: a Test for Russian Military Reforms, Pavel Baev
  • No. 18, July 2014 : Gazprom in Europe: a Business Doomed to Fail?, Aurélie Bros
  • No. 17, January 2014 : Russia's Eastern Directionâ€"Distinguishing the Real from the Virtual, Bobo Lo
  • No. 16, December 2013 : Russian LNG: The Long Road to Export, Tatiana Mitrova
  • No. 15, December 2012 : OMC: quel impact pour le secteur agricole russe ?, Pascal Grouiez
  • No. 14, November 2012 : Kazakhstan and Eurasian Economic Integration: Quick Start, Mixed Results and Uncertain Future, Nargis Kassenova
  • No. 13, October 2012 : Entreprises et universités russes : de la coopération au recrutement, Tatiana Kastouéva-Jean
  • No. 12, June 2012 : The Religious Diplomacy of the Russian Federation, Alicja Curanovic
  • No. 11, April 2012 : Ukraine at the Crossroads: Between the EU DCFTA and Customs Union, Olga Shumylo-Tapiola
  • No. 10, March 2012 : Le Web en Russie : de la virtualité à la réalité politique ?, Julien Nocetti
  • No. 9, January 2012 : Université fédérale de l'Oural, une futur "Harvard régionale"?, Tatiana Kastouéva-Jean
  • No. 8, June 2011 : L'université Goubkine: réservoir de cadres pour le secteur pétrolier et gazier, Tatiana Kastouéva-Jean
  • No. 7, May 2011 : Economic Constraint and Ukraine's Security Policy, Dominic Fean
  • No. 6, December 2010 : How the Chinese See Russia, Bobo Lo
  • No. 5, October 2010 : "Soft power" russe: discours, outils, impact, Tatiana Kastouéva-Jean
  • No. 4, September 2010 : Les universités privées, "mal-aimées" de l'enseignement supérieur russe, Tatiana Kastouéva-Jean
  • No. 3, March 2010 : L'université technique Bauman: un atout majeur de la politique industrielle russe, Carole Sigman
  • No. 2, October 2009 : Le Haut collège d'économie: école de commerce, université et think tank, Carole Sigman
  • No. 1, October 2009 : "Projet MISiS": futur modèle de l'enseignement supérieur en Russie?, Tatiana Kastouéva-Jean

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