Oregon Department Of Education - Oregon Department Of Education

Oregon Department of Education  - oregon department of education

The Department of Education of the U.S. state of Oregon is responsible for implementing the state's public education policies, including academic standards and testing, credentials, and other matters not reserved to the local districts and boards. The department is overseen by the Governor, acting as State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Agencies of the department include the Chief Education Office (formerly the Oregon Education Investment Board), the Early Learning Division, the Higher Education Coordinating Commission, the State Board of Education, and the Youth Development Division.

The Governor appoints a Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction to act as chief administrator of public education from kindergarten through high school. The Deputy Superintendent carries out the state policies set by the State Board of Education and by the Oregon State Legislature.

The department serves 197 elementary and secondary school districts and 19 education service districts across the state, which serve over 500,000 students.

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